Moment of Genius Awards

Moment of Genius Awards
Moment of Genius Awards are a way to highlight the brilliance of our students in the classroom and the "moments of genius" they have all the time as learners here at Central Catholic. Nominated by teachers, students are recognized when they demonstrate a "moment of genius" in the classroom through a powerful learning move or moment.

Please join us in celebrating and honoring the following students who have been recognized, whose scope of genius literally knows no bounds!


Maia Cruz '24
We are thrilled to honor our first recipient of  our "Moment of Genius" award for this school year. Today we honor Maia Cruz for her stunning performance last Friday at our assembly and during Hispanic Heritage Month.  Your incredible talent was breathtaking to witness along with your deep cultural pride and the courage it takes to share our gifts in front of over 800 people.  Maia the scope of your genius literally knows no bounds. 
Rock Thornton '24
This week our "Moment of Genius" award goes to Rock Thornton '24, for sharing his insight in Ms. Saltveit's Physics class. Rock demonstrated a moment of genius when he related his own experience as a pilot-in-training as the class discussed velocity in Physics. He discussed the concept of "breaking the sound barrier" and gave an excellent technical description of the event using concepts they are currently studying in class. Well done, Rock, and good luck on getting your solo pilot's license!
Leslie Crocker '25

Today's "Moment of Genius" recipient is Sophomore Leslie Crocker who Ms. Heater said had a remarkable entry in her Creative Writing journal. She was writing a free-association entry on 'Morning' and wrote:

"It is a sign of a new day that has already forgotten the one before. It is the opposite of the past for we are already in the future. Night is the earth breathing; morning is a fresh start."

Ms. Heater was very moved by her poetic language and thought. There's a universality to her writing and a willingness to 'think-outside-the-prompt' that has the potential to speak to everyone who reads her words.